Covid-19, Mental Health and Therapy

Covid-19 is a type of coronavirus, which is a family of viruses that can cause illnesses. Covid-19 is a severe type of coronavirus which is more deadly than the flu. However, there are many other coronaviruses out there which have caused much more devastating impacts on the world. The symptoms of Covid-19 are very similar to that of other coronaviruses. These including fever, continuous coughing, tiredness and shortness of breath to name a few.
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Following from the discovery of Covid-19, in March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global pandemic, causing the world to go into lockdown. This has had a huge impact on our mental health.
After time, scientists have been able to develop a vaccine against Covid-19 which was released in the UK in early December 2020, with over 2.3million people already being vaccinated.
The Covid-19 vaccine is not a live vaccine, meaning it is not giving you the virus. The vaccine has been designed to reduce your chance of catching Covid-19, as well as you becoming seriously ill if you were to contract Covid-19.
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So far the newly released Covid-19 vaccination is only being offered to a small selection of people. These include those of us who are over 80, if you work or live in a care home or if you work within the NHS with more possible contact with those who have the virus. There is a chance you could be offered the vaccine if you are severely mentally ill, but this only includes those who are schizophrenic or severely depressed.
Since the release of the Covid-19 vaccination, you can see a huge impact on peoples mental health across the United Kingdom. With people taking to social media to talk about their worries regarding the Covid-19 vaccination. Their main concerns being whether the newly invented Covid-19 vaccination is safe, due to the quick turnaround of no vaccine to people being vaccinated. The Covid-19 vaccination has been approved for use within the UK by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), meeting their strict standards for vaccinations.
With the release of the Covid-19 vaccination, there has also been a huge amount of uncertainty and anxiety seen across the UK. With people wondering when and if they will receive the potentially life-saving vaccination. With only a small portion of the U.K currently being offered the vaccine, you can understand why there is still so much worry surround the topic. With some of the most vulnerable who were told to isolate for longer than others not yet being offered this vaccine. The time will come for everyone to receive their vaccines.
The last form of worry surrounding the covid-19 vaccine has been whether or not it will completely end the pandemic. Everybody can agree we want life to head back to normal as quickly and effectively as possible.
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How Can Therapy Help Me?
If you have worries surrounding Covid-19 and the newly released vaccine, speaking to a therapist can help you for many reasons.
1. Going to therapy will give you somebody to talk to about all of your worries and concerns. They will help you to open up and express yourself in a safe and contained environment where your concerns will not leave the room.
2. Speaking to a therapist can help ease your worries by giving you someone to talk to. Having an open discussion on your worries. 3. Therapists will always suggest courses of action you can take in their therapy sessions. Allowing you both to talk through different coping mechanisms and techniques to calm your worries. With them being able to provide you with resources known to help relieve stress and anxiety. 4. Therapists have been trained to care for those with mental health issues. They will know how to understand you and what you are feeling. Therapy is the best place for you to go if you are struggling at all with your mental health.
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To conclude our article, it is important for you to remember that it is ok for you not to feel ok. Seeking help is the best possible thing you can do during these uncertain times. They may not be able to give you answers to all of your questions, but going to therapy will help you understand your mind more.
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